A software company, Q4 Technologies, has come up with Go-Robo, latest software that will allow you to inscribe your personal programs to direct any WowWee robot, together with Robopets and Roboreptiles.
Users can engrave commands for their robots either by a graphical “building block” interface or by utilizing the GRIDscript(Go-Robo ID script), a proprietary programming language for advanced users that can be easily learned and hacked. With the Go-Robo software you may command a crowd of up to six WowWee robots, using a user-supplied IR transmitter, at the same time and that with the good organization.
Though, the complete organization of the new software will be available by mid 2007, if you cannot wait for so long Go-Robo beta edition is currently obtainable on your request.
What kind of batteries does it take