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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Apple sued over iPhone technology

Elliot Gottfurcht has filed a lawsuit against the Californian technology company with a Texan court. He claims that his company, EMG Technology, owns US Patent Number 7,441,196, which covers the way in which web pages will re-size themselves to fit the screen of a phone.

"The patent claims to cover the display of internet content reformatted from HTML to XML on mobile devices – the industry standard currently displayed by the iPhone," said EMG Technology in a statement.

EMG Technology filed its patent application in March 2006, and the patent was granted in October of this year. The company is seeking unspecified damages against Apple, which launched its first iPhone in June 2007.

"Web sites are just beginning to develop their mobile sister sites for fast and easy navigation," said Stanley Gibson, EMG Technology's legal adviser. "For example, to access NBC on a computer the URL is NBC.com. For the mobile site on the iPhone, the URL would be m.NBC.com. The '196 patent covers the simplified interface of reformatted mobile content to provide optimum viewing and navigation with single touches on a small screen."

Apple said it didn't comment on pending litigation.

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