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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Xbox 360 - The Laptop Edition

Ben Heckendorn over at Engadget has just posted pics and details about his second generation Xbox 360 laptop. Apparently this one is thinner and lighter and sports some essential upgrades. If you’re interested in (seriously) voiding your warranty then stay tuned to Engadget because he’s also working on an in-depth tutorial on how to build your own. Scary.

Microsoft LifeCam NX-6000

A wired USB webcam with 2 megapixel resolution costs $189 and is designed to clip conveniently to the top of your notebooks display. As with the 1.3 megapixel VX-6000 it’s heavily skewed toward interacting with Microsoft products such as Windows Live Messenger and Vista although it will of course work with other software too.

Microsoft Reclusa

One for the gamers. The, perhaps aptly named, Reclusa is also backlit (Microsoft recognize the strange fascination we PC gamers have with the dark), features programmable buttons, macros, bumper buttons, jog dials and even a detachable padded wrist rest. Realizing that gamers tend to care not for wireless-ness the keyboard is of the wired variety and includes sexy sounding gold-plated USB ports to plug extra peripherals into. Microsoft continue their collaboration with Razer through the inclusion of Razer Hyperesponse Gaming Key Action to reduce latency.
There was no demo unit of this keyboard to try this morning so we’ll have to wait till the proper review unit arrives so see how it goes. At this stage it looks like it’ll retail for around $129 placing it, again, in direct price point competition with Logitech and the G15 gaming keyboard.

Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Desktop 8000

The top of the line variation of the Entertainment Desktop range includes a wonderful backlit keyboard and a magnetic docking station that recharges both the keyboard and mouse and includes a three-port USB hub. Since it’s designed with the living room rather than the office in mind the keyboard has a fancy-pants touchpad thingy that you can use instead of the mouse (for those times you’re reclining in your lounge watching TV via your Microsoft powered home theatre PC). I got to spend a few brief minutes trying it out and can report it’s comfortable, incredibly well featured, rather sexy and, most probably, mind-blowingly expensive. While official prices haven’t been set it’s shaping up to be in the $499 bracket which places it squarely in competition with Logitech’s super-cool Dinovo Edge.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Holographic Vaio Zoom Notebook Concept

The Vaio Zoom notebook concept was created by designer Eno Setiawan. The idea is that the notebook is entirely holographic. When off, the screen is clear glass and the keyboard is an expansive of beautiful black shine. When you turn it on the keyboard, screen, and mouse buttons are displayed as holograms. I think the thing looks beautiful as hell, but damnit, it's a concept. Just like the majority of other concepts, it doesn't work in the real world. It's like the concept for the woman I want. She's a supermodel, great cook, nymphomaniac, doesn't nag, can rest a beer on her head, has no teeth, and loves watching sports. See, she's a concept -- she doesn't exist in reality. That's why I live in my grandmother's attic with a bunch of cats. I've given up.

UK To Build Wave Powered Generator

The UK has approved the construction of the Wave Hub, which will be the first full-scale wave powered generator in the world. It looks like an underwater level from Mario Bros., but it actually generates electricity. Located off the coast of Cornwall, it may one day generate enough energy for 7,500 households and save 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide in 25 years. Which is impressive, but if they installed this thing in my waterbed I could power at least 10,000 homes. Because, you know, I swim in bed. Okay fine, I masturbate a lot. Practically nonstop.

Lunar Mining Robot Looks Like Awesome Toy

Scarab, the moon miner, was developed at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon. He's an awesome little guy designed to mine "hydrogen, possibly water, and other volatile chemicals" for use at a future moonbase. I didn't know water was a volatile chemical, but whatever. It runs off solar energy, and when there isn't any, it utilizes a "radioisotope source" for power. Which is good news, because I've been waiting for an RC car that runs off decaying uranium.

Cell Phone For Man's Best Friend

Petscell is a cell phone that attaches to your dog's collar so you can stay in contact during those long days at the cubicle. Of course, if you want something a little cooler you could go with this. The damn thing costs $499, which is freaking ridiculous for the most basic cell phone ever (minus being waterproof), and doesn't include activation or service. It automatically answers calls from a list you set, so your pet won't kill itself listening to telemarketers. And now if you'll excuse me, I've got to call my bitch.

GPS Trip Tracker Gets You In Trouble

Telespial Systems has developed the Super Trackstick, which is a GPS based trip tracker. It has magnets on the bottom, so you just slap it on your vehicle and take off. Two AAA batteries power the thing for a month, so when you get back to your home base you just jam that thing into a USB port and it will upload your trip to Google Earth so you can live it all over again. I'd get one ($275), but I'm too afraid of my girlfriend sticking it to the bottom of my Tempo to find out where I really go when I'm "working late". You know, because when I say that I'm not really at work, I'm out being promiscuous.

Toy Radar Gun Mod

A guy has turned one of those cheap Hot Wheels radar guns into something that, uh, stays on all the time and has more batteries. I've played with one of these things before and they're not bad. If you wanted you could point this at me in a bar and see how fast I pick up chicks, the only thing is it would read "the speed of light" and then the damn thing would explode in your face. I'm just saying, I'm quick.

USB Spypen Is Huge, Won't Trick Anyone

The Thanko Spydisk packs an SD card reader/writer along with 512 MB of its own flash memory into a pen the size of one of those jumbo pencils you used in kindergarten because you had no hand coordination. The USB connector is hidden under the pen cap, and the car reader is behind the pen's clip. It costs $50 plus shipping, and I question its spy-worthiness. Of course, I'm not a very good spy. The last time I tried to steal a company's trade secrets I didn't download anything, and accidentally uploaded my personal banking information, along with some private pictures my girlfriend and I took on vacation.

Coffee Table Arcade Game

The Surface Tension Contemporary Arcade Coffee Table is a coffee table with a monitor under the glass and fold out video game controls. It's actually just a computer built into a coffee table that has video game controls, but whatever. That's probably better than having a dedicated video game console anyways, because eventually you'll have to take a break from gaming to search for naked lady pictures. While certainly better than this coffee table, the damn thing costs $6,600, which is completely uncalled for. I'll be sticking to my version of the coffee table gaming system, which is, well, Scrabble.

World's First Automated Restaurant

A new restaurant in Nuremberg, Germany is opening with no waiters. Because it's an automated restaurant! Named 's Baggers (yes that's correct, it starts with an apostrophe) the restaurant's only employees are the cooks (who should be replaced with robots). Patrons order via touchscreen (which doubles as credit card paying device), and the food is delivered via gravity from the kitchen above along steel rails. This place is awesome, and anyone who has been let me know. You know what else is cool? I've heard that if you have two legs or a wheelchair or even a walker and can locate the door all the food you order is free.

Solar Powered Water Purification

Designers Alberto Medo and Francisco Gomez Paz have developed solar powered purification bottles, cleverly named Solar Bottles. They hold over a gallon of water, and take about six hours to kill off the majority of things that aren't good for you, through a combination of high temperature and UV-A exposure. I think these things are a great idea. Because, let's face it, drinking a camping buddy's urine makes you less of a survivalist, and more of a sicko fetish person.

Spaceport America to Open in 2010

Spaceport America is scheduled to open in 2010, and this is the final design. Located in New Mexico, it's to be 100,000 square feet and cost about $31 million to build. Incorporating the latest in green technology, it promises to be environmentally friendly (minus all the rocket fuel). It will serve as a functional spaceport where Virgin Galactic will transport rich people here or even further into the cosmos. For poor people it will be a tourist attraction. It will also serve as the headquarters of the XPrize Cup and the Rocket Racing League and look like a public restroom toilet seat when viewed from above.

Sweetest Cell Phone Mod Ever!

A mystery person has modded a Motorola ROKR into a freaking transforming robot. And apparently the whole thing still works making calls and taking pictures, etc.! I kid you not ladies and gentlemen. The pictures tell all, and these pictures tell me that there is hope for mankind yet. I mean, with this kind of ingenuity we can surely cure cancer and world hunger. This man/woman is our last hope. We need him/her to come forward and reveal their identity so that this planet can be saved. Okay fine, I really just want them to come forward because with their modding skills, I know there's hope of turning my balding, toothless whore of a girlfriend into something more pleasing to me, and less pleasing to every guy hanging out at the laundromat.

Sony's Bio Battery Runs On Sugar

Sony has unveiled a prototype battery that generates electricity from sugar. The model displayed generates approximately 50 milliwatts from the four 1.5" cells, enough to power a digital Walkman. A sugar solution is poured into each of the cells, where enzymes break it down, generating electricity. Sony plans to manufacture the batteries for commercial sale, but did not say when. Hopefully they'll get the size down in the meantime, because right now it looks like one of those "day of the week" pill holders old people use. Of course, had Sony just asked nicely, I would have sold them my technology, which turns me and beautiful ladies, into, well, me and beautiful ladies doing it.

Keys Find Remote, Remote Finds Keys!

So those crazy folks at Skymall are selling an invention that might actually be useful, unlike, well, most of their stuff, including this thing. It's a keyring that can locate your remote, and a remote that can find your keyring. Whee! They're made by GE and cost $45 a set, which is too expensive. But I still need them. Of course, whenever I lose my keys or remote I should just realize that 1. I don't have keys, I have a chauffeur, and 2. I don't have a remote, I have topless models that walk up and change the channel for me.

Very Large LED Screen in Beijing

A 250 meter x 30 meter LED screen was installed in Beijing as a centerpiece for The Place, which is a shopping mall located in the business district. The thing cost $32 million, is 80 feet above the ground, and actually 5 separate screens combined. It can play video games, live events, and visitors can even upload photos to view. However, it is primarily used as a virtual aquarium, with sharks and fish swimming by. Which, for $32 million, seems like a waste of money. I was just at the aquarium the other day, and they had tanks that seemed that big. And not only that, but if the attendant isn't paying attention and you have long enough arms -- free sushi.

Cool Gaming Chair

Festo, an industrial automation company, has introduced the gaming chair to beat all gaming chairs. The system uses "fluidic muscles and mechatronic systems to give users a true sensation of either driving or flying, depending on the software being used." It is certainly a step up from the plywood soap box car you used to sit in to play Gran Turismo. This reminds me of the race car simulator I used to play growing up, which was my dad's lap. He would make engine noises and rumble me around and stuff until I crashed. Then I was thrown through the living room window.

Google Earth Now Features Outerspace

If you haven't heard already Google announced the launch of the Sky feature that is now included in Google Earth. It, um, lets you look at stars and planets instead of buildings and people. You can go to any location on earth and view what the sky looks like from that spot. You can also "blast off" and check out galaxies and nebulae and other things that don't really exist and are all make believe. Trust me, as a cosmonaut I know. You get up to the earth's atmosphere and it's just like a big cinderblock wall with stars and stuff painted on in glow paint. Kind of like the stickers on the ceiling in my bedroom. Come on over ladies and I'll show you the Little Dipper. I mean Big Dipper. Big Dipper. HUGE Dipper.

A completely unscripted video after the jump, explaining the new features.

NASA's New Rocket

NASA has been doing extensive testing of its new 5M15 rocket out in the Mojave Desert, and by the look of things, it's awesome. The engine runs off compressed liquid methane, which NASA believes to be a smart choice.

The odorless substance has multiple advantages over conventional rocket propellants: It's cheaper, it requires much less insulation, and it exists on several planets NASA hopes to travel to, like Mars.
After watching the video I think it's safe to say that it's perfectly normal if it makes you hot and bothered. I had a pup tent appear as soon as the engine fired up, and I'm going to display it proudly all day as my way of saying "I love rockets".

The video after a jump (make sure to have the sound up for full effect).

Lightsaber to be Sent to Outerspace

Since last week's very unfortunate Star Wars news I've been looking for something that will lift my spirits a bit. And well, I can't totally tell if this does or not, but it is pretty wack. According to NASA, they are sending the original lightsaber prop from Star Wars to outerspace aboard Discovery in October.

Chewbacca, the towering Wookiee best known from the film as Han Solo's co-pilot on the Millennium Falcon, will officially hand the lightsaber over to officials from Space Center Houston during a ceremony at the airport. Joining "Chewie" will be other characters from the six-part sci-fi classic, including Boba and Jango Fett and together they help push back the airplane on the tarmac.
When the shuttle arrives in Houston, the flight will be greeted by a troop of Stormtroopers and other Star Wars notables including the droid R2-D2, who will deliver the lightsaber to a waiting line of Hummers outside the baggage claim of the William P. Hobby Airport. Accompanied by a police escort, the soon-to-be real space artifact will be driven to Space Center Houston to be exhibited inside a vault that currently displays moon rocks.

That just doesn't even sound real. I'm pretty sure someone is pulling my leg here. I mean, the lightsaber was made in outerspace, why does it need to go again? I'm pretty sure this is a publicity stunt by NASA to get some attention. Like that time they tried to say they put men on the moon and it wasn't made of cheese and crackers. What nonsense.

Crayola's Talking Ruler

Crayola, a company best known for those different colored snack sticks, has just released an audio ruler for kids. You roll it along and it leaves a trail of disappearing ink to ensure that you measured what you wanted. It will then tell you how long the distance was, in quarter inch increments up to a foot. A foot? That's pretty weak, for $8 I was expecting a little more. I was just about to order one too, to measure my ding-dong. I can hear it now. "Your ding-dong is three feet long and you should tote your balls in a wheelbarrow." No joke I should.

Magical Pen Turns Analog to Digital

The Fly Fusion pen ($80) may look like just another vibrator, but this one is special. When used in conjunction with the $8 Fly Fusion Notebooks, it can magically convert your analog notes and doodles to digital format! The technology behind this breakthrough is called very tiny dots. These dots, almost imperceptible to the human eye, are all too clear to the pen, which uses them to figure out what the hell your chicken scratch is. The pen can also play MP3's and games and there is a slew of software available to teach you different subjects like algebra and French. While this product comes highly recommended, who the hell takes notes anymore? I never took notes in college, I just took digital pictures of the chalkboard whenever the teacher wrote something. And a bunch of the big breasted co-ed next to me, because, well, I'm a booby fan.

Laser Record Player

If you've got $14,000 to throw around and really love your vinyl, then maybe the ELP Laser Turntable is for you.

Instead of a needle dropping down on your stacks of wax, four lasers read the reflections of your records' grooves, while a fifth tracks each record's warp to keep the reading beams' height constant. The result is more accurate sound reproduction than a traditional stylus produces, with all the warmth that purists crave, minus the wear and tear on the record.
This is great, but $14,000? Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of dropping the needle on a Barry Manilow album and watching the clothes melt off beautiful women, but for that kind of money I'd rather huff a truckload of model airplane glue and play with myself.

Thinnest Laptop – Apple MacBook Air

One of my co-worker is looking for a “small and thin” laptop and I think her search is over. Apple MacBook Air was announced at Mac World this week. Check out the dimensions first: 12.8" wide, 8.94" deep, and 0.16" to 0.76" thin and weight: 3.0 lbs (1.36 kg).
The entire laptop is only 0.76” thick! That is the base + lcd for less than 2 centimeters! This makes this laptop to be the thinnest laptop in the world today. But the immediate trade off is that there is no CD/DVD drive attached and only one USB port. However, the MacBook Air seems to have a new generation of wireless solutions: 802.11n2 and Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR wireless technologies. Remote Disc option allows you to easily access other Mac computers’ DVD drive
To me, the real eye catching component is the multi-touch trackpad, yeah, just like the iPhones…

Another thing worth to mention about the “thinnest laptop” is the 13.3”” widescreen LED supports resolutions up to 1280 x 800. This means you gonna get crystal clear images and good coloring from it.

What’s need to be noticed is the CPU power is not so great considering you can only upgrade it from 1.6GHz to 1.8GHz, and the price nearly doubled (originally at $1799, now $3,098). But you also get an extra of 2GB RAM memory though.

Here are the full specs of the default model: $1799
13.3" Widescreen LED Backlit (1280 x 800)
Intel Core 2 Duo 1.6GHz and 1.5GHz (4MB L2 cache, 800MHz frontside bus)
1.8" 80GB HD (same type in iPod) or 64GB SSD option
Multi-touch trackpad
Intel X3100 graphics
Magnetic latch
1 USB 2.0 port, Micro-DVI, Audio out (analog)
802.11n wireless
Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
iSight camera built-in
37 watt-hour lithium-polymer battery
No optical drive built-in, but SuperDrive accessory available for $99

Motorola Surf (A3100) Phone

The new Moto SURF A3100 brings a new interface that is similar in functionality to TouchFLO 3D. “We developed the MOTOSURF A3100 as a true social smartphone,” said John Cipolla, senior vice president, product development, Motorola Mobile Devices. “Home screen personalization and access to a whole host of applications gets the info you want – fast, and at your fingertips.”

Running Windows Mobile 6.1 software, the Motorola Surf A3100 is a touch tablet device with a customizable home screen. Consumers can access applications with the tip of a finger, a stylus or an omni-directional trackball. They can personalized home screen icons to get live feeds on weather, news, personal and work email, messaging and calendar events. The Surf can toggle back and forth between documents.

Features on the quad-band GSM device include 3G support, integrated Wi-Fi, a 3-megapixel camera with a secondary VGA shooter, Google Maps, Bluetooth, messaging and email, a media player, and video conferencing. The Surf will arrive first in China during the first quarter of this year. At present, Moto has no plans to bring the A3100 to a U.S. carrier.

Intel Core 2 Extreme X7900 Officially Announced

Intel officially announced today the Core 2 Extreme X7900 laptop processor at the 2007 Games Convention in Germany.

Designed for use in “Santa Rosa” platform-based gaming/high-performance notebooks, Intel’s Core 2 Extreme X7900 has two processing cores clocked at 2.8GHz. As same as the earlier introduced Core 2 Extreme X7800 at 2.6GHz, the X7900 mobile CPU features 800MHz front-side bus and 4MB of L2 cache. It is also overclockable.

“The X7900 has a power consumption of 44 watts, for which reason cooling may be insufficient in some laptops for mobile Core 2 Duo processors (TDP 35 watts, up to 2.4 GHz). Intel is foregoing a multiplier lock in the Core 2 Extreme CPUs, which should make them easier to overclock - for which, however, adequate cooling will be required,” Heise Online reports.

The OEM manufacturers can obtain the X7900 immediately for $851, according to the report. Since the X7800 was announced last month with the same price, we assume the price of this processor will be reduced soon.

The first notebooks featuring Core 2 Duo X7900 are expected to arrive within the next four weeks from computer makers such as Dell and Asus.

Sony HandyCam HDR-TG1, compact and with high definition

Sony introduced a new compact video recorder, the Sony HandyCam HDR-TG1 (named TG3 in Europe). Given its specifications, is positioned as one of the best in this range.


■Weight of 300 grams and measures 32 × 119×63mm.
■Memory Stick 8GB.
■2.7-inch screen.
■Codec AVCHD.
■Recording of the highest quality at 1920 x 1080i.
■10x optical zoom.
■Field titanium.
■Clear Bit CMOS sensor.
Finally, the Sony HandyCam HDR-TG1 has a fairly high price, as most of its devices $ 900.

How Apple's trademark for its iPod protects its brand

The iPod shape trademark gives Apple a new weapon in the fiercely competitive market for media players. While competitors may eventually appropriate the iPod's inner workings, as utility patents expire, they will risk litigation if their products come too close to the trademarked shape of the iPod, including its popular circular-touchpad interface.
Moreover, trademark law allows the holder to sue not only manufacturers but also distributors of competing products whose attributes so resemble those of the protected mark that they create the likelihood of confusion in the marketplace.

World's most economical car

Swiss researchers have developed the world's most economical car that could circle the globe on only eight litres of fuel.
The Pac-Car uses hydrogen fuel cell technology and was developed by a team at the Swiss Federal Technical University headed by Professor Lino Guzzella.

He said the "car could drive around the earth only using eight litres of fuel", and that it could be ready for mass production in the next couple of years.

Apple sued over iPhone technology

Elliot Gottfurcht has filed a lawsuit against the Californian technology company with a Texan court. He claims that his company, EMG Technology, owns US Patent Number 7,441,196, which covers the way in which web pages will re-size themselves to fit the screen of a phone.

"The patent claims to cover the display of internet content reformatted from HTML to XML on mobile devices – the industry standard currently displayed by the iPhone," said EMG Technology in a statement.

EMG Technology filed its patent application in March 2006, and the patent was granted in October of this year. The company is seeking unspecified damages against Apple, which launched its first iPhone in June 2007.

"Web sites are just beginning to develop their mobile sister sites for fast and easy navigation," said Stanley Gibson, EMG Technology's legal adviser. "For example, to access NBC on a computer the URL is NBC.com. For the mobile site on the iPhone, the URL would be m.NBC.com. The '196 patent covers the simplified interface of reformatted mobile content to provide optimum viewing and navigation with single touches on a small screen."

Apple said it didn't comment on pending litigation.

Mio Technology DigiWalker C310x Car Charger

Stay On Grid On The Go

With Americans spending over 1.5 million hours stuck in traffic a year; the automobile has become a mobile office for a large percentage of the nomadic workforce. Don't be caught on the road with a dead battery in your Mio Technology DigiWalker C310x. Show up to all of your appointments with your tech in check by using Gomadic's new Mio Technology DigiWalker C310x Rapid Car / Auto Charger with any standard car cigarette lighter. Twice as fast as a standard auto charger; Mio Technology DigiWalker C310x Rapid Car / Auto Charger lets you multi-task* in gridlock; keeping you connected to all of your contacts when you’re on the go.

Mobility Means Versatility

Compatible with our TipExchange Technology that enables utility with hundreds of mobile devices; the Mio Technology DigiWalker C310x Rapid Car / Auto Charger can charge all of your mobile devices on your daily commute with only one cord. Custom designed to safely meet the needs of any nomadic professional; the Mio Technology DigiWalker C310x Rapid Charger provides a versatile solution to the confusing mass of cords taking up space in your glove compartment; allowing you to safely focus on the road.

• Charging adapter fits cigarette lighters in both foreign and domestic vehicles (12-24VDC).
• Advanced internal circuitry prevents device from power surges; overcharging and short-circuiting.
• Removable cable tips allow cable to be used for other devices.
• TipExchange technology (tip is included) protects investment with easy upgrades that allow users to charge multiple mobile devices with the same cord.
• High output current of 1 Amp
• All items above are backed by Gomadic's Lifetime Warranty and conform to our high quality standards . Please don't be fooled by cheap imitations

* Gomadic only promotes the safe use of mobile devices as defined by the specific laws of each state. Please drive carefully and courteously.

New Go-Robo

A software company, Q4 Technologies, has come up with Go-Robo, latest software that will allow you to inscribe your personal programs to direct any WowWee robot, together with Robopets and Roboreptiles.

Users can engrave commands for their robots either by a graphical “building block” interface or by utilizing the GRIDscript(Go-Robo ID script), a proprietary programming language for advanced users that can be easily learned and hacked. With the Go-Robo software you may command a crowd of up to six WowWee robots, using a user-supplied IR transmitter, at the same time and that with the good organization.

Though, the complete organization of the new software will be available by mid 2007, if you cannot wait for so long Go-Robo beta edition is currently obtainable on your request.

A PC in your pocket

The model 02 weighs just 1 pound and measures 5.6 inches by 3.3 inches by 1 inch -- small enough to fit inside a suit jacket pocket. It's built in three slices, much like a sandwich. The top slice is a 5-inch display, the middle and thickest part is the keyboard and computer, and the bottom slice is the battery.
The screen slides back exposing the keyboard. The battery snaps off and can be exchanged for a double capacity version that increases the thickness to 1.25 inches. Although the screen is always exposed, it comes with a pre-applied screen protector. An optional hard leather case ($59) adds protection without adding much bulk.
The unit is held with two hands, using your thumbs to type, much like a BlackBerry. But the keys are further apart and there's a separate numeric keypad, making typing even easier. There's a pointer stick on the right side of the keyboard, and two touch-sensitive areas near the lower right corner of the screen for scrolling vertically and horizontally.
Two zooming keys are on the lower left of the keyboard and two mouse buttons are on the upper left, one above the other instead of side-by-side, which took getting used to. The keyboard works well and has good tactile feedback. The backlit keys are easy to see in all lighting conditions.
The 5-inch 800-by-480 resolution screen is extremely sharp and very bright, usable in nearly all lighting conditions, and I had no difficulty reading the small text. I needed to either scroll horizontally or zoom out to see the full width of some Web pages. And when using some applications, I occasionally needed to scroll down to get to a selection button at the bottom of the window, a minor inconvenience.
The 02 comes with a choice of Windows Vista or XP Professional. The unit I tested had XP with a 1.5MHz VIA processor, a 60GB hard drive, 1GB memory and WiFi. A built-in 3G wireless option (choice of Sprint or Verizon) is available, but was not on my unit. The list price is $1,849.
Other models with a slower processor and less memory start at $1,499. The model 02 comes with a compact charger and an adapter that provides an Ethernet plug and a video port to use an external monitor or connect to a projector.
The OQO performed much like a notebook with a similar speed processor and memory: Startup speeds were 35 seconds from off and 7 seconds from standby. I installed Microsoft Office 2007 and used Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Explorer. I also ran my SlingBox on it, using the 02 as a small TV player. All worked well, just as expected. The built-in WiFi had lower sensitivity than my full-size notebooks, but worked throughout my home. The standard battery lasted a little more than 2 hours and the extended battery ($199) lasted 4 hours 15 minutes

Friday, April 10, 2009

Humanoid biped soccer robot technology

Soccer robot is a challenging high technology intensive project. It concerns various theory and technology such as robotics, electro mechanics, communication and computer technology, real time digital signal processing, image processing and recognition, knowledge engineering and expert system, decision, route planning, self-organization and learning and multi-intelligent unit coordination.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Intel's Classmate 2

Intel's Classmate 2 was never intended for manufacture by Intel; the PC was simply a reference design provided for OEMs. Well, the first one is here: meet the Computer Technology Link 2Go PC.

Computer Technology Link has the presumptive first manufacturer of the Classmate 2 for some time now. The final unit specs are the same as the demonstration model we've been playing with since the Intel Developer Forum—and which, in a later incarnation, we found quite palatable at CES—barring the replacement of the 802.11n wireless card with a b/g unit.

Technology in Wartime Conference

An Israeli robot drags a critically injured Palestinian suicide bomber whose bomb exploded prematurely.

Tomorrow is the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) conference “Technology in Wartime”.

This conference will explore how computer technology is used during war -- both for the purposes of combat/defense, as well as for human rights interventions into war-torn regions. Topics will include high tech weapons systems, cyberwarfare, autonomous aircraft, mobile robots, internet surveillance, anonymous communication, and privacy-enhancing technologies that aid human rights workers documenting conditions in war-torn countries and help soldiers communicate their experiences in blogs and e-mail.

Our goal will be to consider the ethical implications of wartime technologies and how these technologies are likely to affect civilization in years to come. Ultimately we want to engage a pressing question of our time: What should socially-responsible computer professionals do in a time of high tech warfare?

I wish I could go, but they say they'll be broadcasting live video.

A couple of the most interesting-looking talks:

•Ronald Arkin – Governing Lethal Behavior: Embedding Ethics in a Hybrid Deliberative/Reactive Robot Architecture [! I love hybrid deliberative/reactive robot architectures!]
•When Robots Commit War Crimes: Autonomous Weapons and Human Responsibility

» MSI GX-620 and the GX-720 Concept notebook

MSI will show its Green Concept notebook product design with Anion technology! Anion technology is a technology to purify the air and remove toxic substances. MSI is the first to combine anion technology with the advance computer technology to create World’s First Anion Notebook. Notebooks are often used in indoor spaces with insufficient ventilation; the MSI Anion notebook can provide users the benefits of clean air anywhere.

MSI developed the MSI PR620 Anion Notebook, which makes it world’s very first notebook that is capable to release anion to better your health. Using the latest in technology, the MSI PR620 Anion Notebook can release up to five hundred and fifty thousand ions/cc (50 cm from the air vent)*. This is more than if you were right next to mountains or the beach. The Anion module can also contain concentrated ozone lower than 0.02ppm. (UL & TUL regulations must be lower than 0.05ppm; high ozone concentration can be harmful to human bodies).